What Are Health and Fitness?

Health and fitness go hand in hand. Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of a disease or

1. Fitness Diet

Maintain fitness diet with fruits, vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat and other nutrients.


2. Physical Activities

Owing to the strenuous life that most women lead nowadays, heart-related diseases are becoming more common. Combined with unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise is one of the primary causes for a rise in obesity, heart attacks, blockages, et al. But, the way to counter this is pretty simple. A mere 30 minutes of exercise each day can minimise the chances of these illnesses.

Yoga, jogging, sports, aerobics, walking, running, jumping, dancing are a few simple forms of physical activities that will help you with maintaining good health and fitness.


3. Drink Water

Drinking enough water is one of the important fitness tips. It is recommended that one should drink at least 3 to 4 litres of water every day. Water maintains the level of our bodily fluids, hydrates our skin, and cleanses our system.


4. Sleeping for at least 8 hours each night

Catching at least 8 hours of shut-eye each night is, perhaps, one of the most important contributors when it comes to staying healthy. When your body is devoid of proper sleep, you will find yourself becoming lethargic, cranky and suffer from lack of concentration.

To prevent this from happening, it is crucial for you to give your body the rest it requires. With proper sleep, you can have a clearer mind, uplift your mood and even promote your cardiovascular health.


5. Quitting smoking and other such harmful habits

While the harmful effects of smoking are not limited to women, it can have a more grievous effect on them. Ranging from premature menopause to ectopic pregnancy, there are several effects of smoking that are reserved solely for women.

Further, issues like high chances of rectal and cervical cancer are some other conditions that are prevalent among women, as a result of smoking. To keep the risks of such diseases at a check, it is best to let go of this habit.


6. Controlling blood pressure

Physical fitness has proven to support the body's blood pressure. Staying active and exercising regularly builds a stronger heart. The heart is the main organ in charge of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure.

Engaging in a physical activity raises blood pressure. Once the subject stops the activity, the blood pressure returns to normal. The more physical activity, the easier this process becomes, resulting in a more ‘fit’ individual.[30] Through regular physical fitness, it becomes easier to create a rise in blood pressure. This lowers the force on the arteries, and lowers the overall blood pressure.


7. Add in fresh juices

Drop fizzy drinks this monsoon as they lower the mineral content in your body, which decreases enzymes important for your digestive system. Further, they increase caffeine, cholesterol, and blood pressure levels, so it’s high time you switch to some fresh herbal juices. The herbs used in our herbal drinks such as aloe vera, amla, immune care, tulsi giloy, have the ability to not only rejuvenate our skin and mind but also strengthens our immunity.


8. Oral health

Children must brush twice a day, once in the morning and once at night (19). Your child may have to brush more often if they are wearing braces. Teach your child the right way of brushing their teeth. You may also encourage the child to floss once a day to remove any food particles stuck between the teeth.

You may speak to a dentist to learn the right way to brush. The dentist may also be able to recommend the ideal toothbrush and toothpaste for your child’s age.


9. Get Stress Free

Meditation is one of the best ways to do away with stress. A 20 minute meditation session will help you feel relaxed and refreshed. It helps to reduce anxiety, tension and negative emotions. In the middle of the day, take a break and look around. Appreciate the people in your life. Count your blessings.


10. Get regular checkups

Some diseases don’t show up as symptoms until it is too late. Get regular blood tests for blood sugar, vitamins, and minerals, along with urine tests. More elaborate tests like mammograms (for women) and PAP smear (for women) should be done at the recommended intervals. If the test results are not optimal, that means that you can quickly take corrective action. If they are great, that’s fantastic and you can have a peace of mind! checkup.jpg